Challenge: Design, build, and launch a high-powered rocket to obtain HPR certification 2
Summary: In response to the growing interest in high-powered rocketry, the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) provides a certification process that allows individuals to use rocket motors beyond the limits of traditional model rocketry. This process includes three progressive levels of certification, respective to the thrust level of the rocket motors that a flier may use. Certification requires fliers to build, launch, and recover the rocket in a certification flight under rigorous safety regulations. After a flier obtains the level 1 certification, they may take a written safety test and fly for a level 2 certification. The level 2 certification is useful for launching rockets with payloads due to the increase in weight.
Course/Client: NYU Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP), National Association of Rocketry
Completion Date: May 2023
Skills: Rocket Propulsion, Aerodynamics, Materials Science, Design and CAD, Structural Analysis, Thermal Management, Recovery Systems, MATLAB, Flight Simulations
Red Comet 2D View
Purple Nebula 2D View
RED COMET: My level 1 certification rocket. It has tapered swept delta fins and has a single deploy recovery system (one parachute). The design is inspired by the MSN-04 Sazabi from Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack.
Mass: 3.88 lb
Length: 55.8 in
Stability: 1.54 cal
Altitude: 1404 ft
Flight Time: 118 s
Time to Apogee: 9.11 s
Max Velocity: 358 ft/s
Max Acceleration: 480 ft/s^2
Landing Velocity: 12.6 ft/s
Length: 55.8 in
Stability: 1.54 cal
Altitude: 1404 ft
Flight Time: 118 s
Time to Apogee: 9.11 s
Max Velocity: 358 ft/s
Max Acceleration: 480 ft/s^2
Landing Velocity: 12.6 ft/s
PURPLE NEBULA: My level 2 certification rocket. It has canards and clipped delta fins. To prevent the rocket from drifting too far, a dual deployment system is used. A drogue chute deploys at apogee, and then a larger main chute at 600 ft.
Mass: 6.67 lb
Length: 70.4 in
Stability: 2.05 cal
Altitude: 3178 ft
Flight Time: 206 s
Time to Apogee: 11.6 s
Max Velocity: 621 ft/s
Max Acceleration: 458 ft/s^2
Landing Velocity 16 ft/s
Length: 70.4 in
Stability: 2.05 cal
Altitude: 3178 ft
Flight Time: 206 s
Time to Apogee: 11.6 s
Max Velocity: 621 ft/s
Max Acceleration: 458 ft/s^2
Landing Velocity 16 ft/s

Red Nebula Launch and Recovery

Purple Nebula Lift Off

Purple Nebula Drogue Chute Deployment

Purple Nebula Main Chute Deployment

Motor Retention

Nose Cone Shock Cord Knot

Masking and Painting

Shear Pin Install

Launch Lug Install