In 2024 my university rocketry team competed in Huntsville, Alabama to launch our rocket. Except three weeks before, we had no team uniform and our typical hoodies would be too hot for the summer sun. I designed and manufactured an identifiable work shirt that exhibited our team's values and aesthetics. In the 2024, design, 
I chose a shirt of 100% cotton for breathability and sustainability, and all additional design components were manufactured in-house.
Left Breast: White Embroidery Thread on pURPLE rIPSTOP
I took inspiration from traditional mechanic's workwear and developed two patches. I decided to have the team patch over the heart and the name of the individual wearing the shirt on the right. The purpose of the name tag was to show the importance of team member's individuality. A script font was used to maintain the human aspect of the team and pay homage to mechanics. 
right Breast: PURPLE, WHITE, AND BLACK Embroidery Thread on mUSLIN
The team patch depicts Rogue Aerospace in a garage-style font, with a miniaturized version of the team's rocket containing the "Aerospace." The goal was to emulate the vintage logos of car and aerospace companies while keeping the team's identity. Having a uniform with the team logo maintains the team's unity and morale during high-stress environments. 
On the right shoulder is a vinyl patch of the shortened version of New York University's logo. The logo was cut out using a vinyl cutter and was applied onto the shirt with a cloth's iron. Outside of school, the team is identifiable as the New York University rocketry team so it was critical to include NYU somewhere on the shirt. NYU logo usage on the shirt follows NYU branding
Tools: Embroidery Machine, Sewing Machine, and Cricut.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator

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